The Wolverhampton Advanced Motorists Group (WAM)
The Wolverhampton Advanced Motorist Group, (WAM), was formed in 1982 as the “Wolverhampton & District Advanced Motorists & Motorcyclists Group”, at that time an extension out of the Walsall Advanced Motorists Group. As the years progressed it was found that the membership was better served by the Group becoming two separate entities giving our Drivers Group and the Wolverhampton Advanced Motorcyclists as exists today. Although separate we are in regular contact, have access to each other within our websites and both are flourishing with continuing regular meetings and events for members of all levels furthering Road Safety in all we do.

Although WAM gains most of its membership through the Advanced Driving package from the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) in London, we also have people transferring from other Groups as they move location or wish to add IAM car skills to existing ones such as those for motorcycling.
When joining the IAM Members are considered as Associate Members until they have taken and passed the IAM Advanced Driving Test. As they join WAM they will be associated with one of our Group Qualified Local Observers to work with them as a mentor enhancing their skills and capabilities. WAM operates one-to-one observed runs with the Associate Member and their Observer which will continue right up their passing the IAM Test.
Before the IAM Test all Associates will have a “pre-test run” with one of the Group’s qualified National Observer. This is simply to ensure that the Associate is in the best possible position to pass his Advanced Driving test. Such Associates are then considered as ‘Test ready’ but will still continue their observed runs right up to the day of their IAM Test. The Group will then contact IAM London informing them that we have an Associate as ‘Test ready’, and a local IAM Examiner will contact the Associate to arrange a mutually acceptable time, date and location for the test.
Within the Group we have a continuing schedule of events, talks and visits to suit our members. Other neighbouring IAM Groups are always welcomed, indeed as is anybody else interested in our Group and furthering Road Safety. We also have evening meeting for our Associates and Observers as part of their continuing improvement and updates from the IAM. (All of these events can be seen on our Events Page).
National Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the Institute of Advanced Motorists which are reflected by the Wolverhampton Group are very simple:
- To improve the standards of driving (and riding) on the roads
- The improvement of road safety or greater road safety or The promotion of road safety
- The administration of a nationally recognized advanced test
We try to match these aims and objectives by working in the following ways:
We are a totally independent organisation (Wolverhampton Group Registered Charity Number 1053330) – The IAM is not owned or financially dependent on any commercial organisations that might have a vested interest in any aspect of road safety. Financial support is provided by our 100,000+ strong membership.
These members, having passed our advanced driving or riding test, contribute a small annual membership fee. This allows us to be fully independent in both our thinking and our work. The support we have from our members, who take an active interest in their own driving standards, provides us with invaluable insight and a vast resource of practical knowledge related to road safety.
We can offer a more diverse approach to road safety because we are not a single issue body – Our staff have a comprehensive background in road safety, strengthened by the in-depth knowledge of our Trustees which covers the emergency services and other additional areas vital to road safety.
The IAM is widely respected throughout the road safety industry due to our expertise and experience. As such, we are regularly asked to consult and advise all the major players, including the Government, on all aspects of road safety.
The IAM’s Advanced Driving Test is recognised and quality assured by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) – The IAM’s Advanced Driving Test was first developed in 1956 (with the Advanced Riding Test following in 1976). Since then the test has been developed and continually refined to reflect the ever-changing face of the UKs roads and road vehicle technologies.
With over 200 local IAM affiliated groups throughout the UK, (all charitable organisations in their own right), the support for people wanting to prepare for and pass the IAM’s Advanced Driving Test is unparalleled throughout the UK. The support of these groups means that the advanced test is available and achievable for ANYONE who has an interest in improving their driving skills.
The DVSA quality assure the IAM’s Advanced Driving test through the assessment of our Regional Quality Managers and affiliation with the IMI who independently monitor and quality control all aspects of the products we offer.
To see more about what we do within the Wolverhampton Drivers Group take a look at the following page which shows some of the activities we have been involved in through the last few years, click here